The Associated Bank on Main Street in Lodi is stocked with clothing, hats and baseball caps. Stadium seats are at the bank and have been selling quickly since they were restocked. We have ordered more!!
Come find what you need!!
Come find what you need!! A significant portion of funds raised by our booster club comes from concession stand proceeds. We work in the concession stands during the Varsity and Junior Varsity home games, as well as the play-off games, for girls volleyball, girls and boys basketball, wrestling and boys and girls soccer. It is a lot of fun and a great way to get to know the parents of the students your own child is spending a lot of time with. (Think of it as networking.) The job includes setup and preparation of food, serving food, collecting money and cleanup of the stand after the game. We ask that JV parents sign up for varsity games and Varsity parents sign up for JV games because we know how important it is for you to watch your child on the court. Keep in mind when volunteering that you may also want to sign up for a sport that your child is not playing (i.e., wrestling parents sign up for basketball, basketball parents sign up for wrestling, etc.)
Please note that parents do not get paid for working these concessions. Since concessions are our major source of funding, it is important that we have enough volunteers. Please do your part to support this important fundraiser!
Click on the box above - SIGN UP HERE
or go to the concession stand tab above, and click on the box SIGN UP HERE!
This is a great way to meet other parents, visit with students and have a good time.
Please note that parents do not get paid for working these concessions. Since concessions are our major source of funding, it is important that we have enough volunteers. Please do your part to support this important fundraiser!
Click on the box above - SIGN UP HERE
or go to the concession stand tab above, and click on the box SIGN UP HERE!
This is a great way to meet other parents, visit with students and have a good time.
New Items for Sale
Check out new items at the Associated Bank in Lodi
on the corner of Main St and Hwy 60!
Check out new items at the Associated Bank in Lodi
on the corner of Main St and Hwy 60!